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Mouhammad A flag Lebanese

Speaks: English , French , Arabic

Certified teacher +10 Total years of experience

Location: Beirut, Lebanon

Nationality Lebanese

مهندس مدني مع شهادة ماستزر من جامعة كالغاري (كندا)

subjects SAT , Calculus , Civil Eng , Geometry , Algebra , Probabilities , Statistics , Architecture , Mechanical Eng , Renewable Energy Eng Environmental Eng , Mechatronics Eng ,

Sub subjects Differential calculus , calculus 2 , calculus 3 , Derivatives , Integral calculus , Differentiation , Integration , Differential equations , calculus I , Structural analysis Foundations and retaining structures , Strength of Materials , Building materials , Earthquake studies , Etabs , Construction materials , Construction management , Hydrology , Mechanics of materials , Rehabilitation of structures , Reinforced concrete , Revit , Steel design , Strength of materials , Soil mechanics , Surveying And Topography , Structures , Autocad , EuroCode , Metallic structures , Probability , Numerical methods , Roads and bridges design and constructions , ACI codes for design Metallic and Wood construction , Finite elements , General construction methods , Hydraulics , Solving system of linear equations , Equations with inequalities , Graphing of functions and linear equations , Polynomial Equation , Polynomials and expressions with radicals , Sequences and series , Rational expressions , Trigonometry , Discrete mathematics and probability , Linear equations , Vector Spaces , Matrices and matrix decomposition , Relations and Computations , Elementary algebra , Linear algebra , Geometric algebra , Comprehensive algebra , Algebra of combinations , Algebra of numbers , Advanced Algebra , Abstract Algebra , Polynomials , Arithmetic progression , Quadratic equations , logarithms , Commutative Algebra , Conic sections , Regular probability , Iterative probability , Implied probability , Subjective Probability , Probability axioms , Classical Probability , Empirical Probability , Sample space , Random variable , Conditional probability , Venn diagramm Cardinality , Binomial distribution , Architectural drawing , Architectural history , Building construction , Computer display and modeling , building management , Computer applications in architecture , Construction management , Engineering economics , Environmental architecture , Urban and landscape design , Materials and Quantity , Technical drawings , Renewable energy , Structural mechanics , Statics and dynamic , Solar energy , Mechanics of Materials , Engineering Drawing , Computer Programming , Material science , Energy Systems and Sustainability , Economics of Renewable Energy , PV applications , PV solar systems , Renewable Energy , Solar energy , Wind energy , Solar pv system design , Renewable energies , Wind turbines , Energy Storage Systems , Air Quality , Environmental science , Renewable Energy , Sanitary Engineering , Solar Energy , Wind Energy , Environmental Engineering , Solid mechanics , Wind energy , Solar energy , Power systems , Power plants ,

Hours 952 Students 91

Matching score:Excellent

35 USD/Hour

5 7 Reviews

About the tutor

خلال دراستي الهندسة في لبنان وكندا كنت أقدم الدروس الخصوصية لطلاب المدارس والجامعات. كما كنت أقدم الدروس لطلاب جامعة كالغاري كجزء من مهماتي كمساعد باحث أثناء دراستي خبرتي العملية تتجاوز الأربع سنوات

Which students want to teach and train?

Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)

Student's level he teach Middle School,High School,College/University,Adult/professionals;

Teaching Experiences

Country of Experience Lebanon

Experience years 10

Student levels that had been taught College/University,High School,Middle School,Elementary,Adult/professionals,Junior




Saudi Arabia



United Arab Emirates






Tutor 's availability

Contact the tutor to book your first lesson

This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, you might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00


20:00 - 08:00

Instructor Reviews

(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)

5 7 Reviews

سعيد الغامدي


يعطيك العافية أستاذ محمد على ماقدمته لى من تفانى وتدريس راقى ماشاء الله عليك تستاهل كل خير وأتمنى إنك تحافظ على مستواك وأكثر بارك الله فيك🌹

Eman Nasser


من أفضل المدرسين اللي تعاملت معهم ، ما قصر معي الله يعطيه العافية، شرحه واضح وبسيط، نصيحة اذا بتحجزون عنده لا تترددون ابدًا . الله يسعدك ويسهل عليك استاذ محمد



good teacher

عبدالملك عبدالله


سعداء الشمري


اخذت عنده حصتين ماشاء الله عليه باله طويل معي وطريقته بالشرح جدا واضحه وكل شي صعب يحاول يخليه سهل بطريقته مره شرحه حلو

Lulwa ‎Ab


يبسط المفاهيم العميقة بطريقة سلسة جدًا و مرن في الأوقات الله يعطيه العافية 👍🏿

نجاة خالد السالم


أسلوب شرح مميز الله يعطيه العافيه


Teaching Method: Online lesson ,

Hourly rate: 35 USD Online lesson |

Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.

flagBackground check passed: on 16/11/2020

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