Ali A
Speaks: Arabic , English , French
Certified teacher +10 Total years of experience
Location: Damietta El-Gadeeda City, Kafr Saad, Damietta Governorate, Egypt
Nationality Egyptian
مهندس ميكانيكا و مدرس فيزياء و رياضيات
subjects Mechanical Eng, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Probabilities, General Physics, American Physics, Physics high school, Renewable Energy Eng
Sub subjects Gas dynamics , Material science , Mechanical vibrations , Steam power plant , Thermodynamics , Air conditioning , Applied heat and mass transfer , Energy station , Fluid mechanics , Gas turbine system
Hours 525 Students 60
Matching score: Very good
16 USD/Hour
5 10 Reviews
About the tutor
انا إسمي علي مهندس ميكانيكا قوي اعمل بمجال محطات انتاج الكهرباء والماء, و كذلك اعمل بمجال التدريب و التأهيل لطلاب وطالبات المدارس و الجامعات في مجال الهندسة الميكانيكية و رياضيات التفاضل والتكامل و الفيزياء, وكذلك مناهج الكويت والسعودية في مجال الرياضيات والفيزياء
Which students want to teach and train?
Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)
Student's level he teach Middle School,High School,College/University,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experiences
Country of Experience Kuwait
Experience years 15
Student levels that had been taught College/University,High School,Adult/professionals
Tutor 's availability
Contact the tutor to book your first lesson
This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, you might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .
23:00 - 12:30
23:00 - 12:00
23:00 - 12:00
23:00 - 12:00
00:30 - 12:00
00:30 - 11:00
Instructor Reviews
(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)
5 10 Reviews
سلمان ناصر العلياني
شرح لي ماده في الهندسه الميكانيكه “Fluid”.. شكرا لشرحك الراقي والواضح
تم شرح لي مادة تطبيقات ميكانيكا. الموائع وشرح المدرس مفهوم وواضح وأيضا لا ينتهي من الطالب حتى يتأكد أنه فاهم الشرح وأشكره على شرحة الجميل وأخلاقه الجميله والرائعة وتعامله مع الطلاب واذا كان يوجد أكثر من 5 نجوم يستاهلها
شكرا دكتور علي على شرحك الواضح و سهولة توصيل المعلومة
شرح ممتاز وبامانه لماده الاحصاء مع مراجع اضافيه من طرف الاستاذ وملتزم جدا بالمواعيد
شرح مبسط و شامل الدكتور جدا متساعد شكرا دكتور علي
منار عيد الجعيد العتيبي
شكرا جزيلًا للاستاذ.
سعيد خالد علي
Beyond the realm of academia, this professor has proven to be more than an educator; he has become a genuine friend. His wealth of knowledge seamlessly intertwines with practical applications, making complex engineering problems not only understandable but relatable to real-life scenarios. The clarity of his accent facilitates a smooth learning experience for students of all paces, and as someone who considers myself a slow learner, I can attest to his remarkable ability to convey concepts and inspire the development of original ideas. Under his guidance, not only did I successfully navigate and excel in all my exams, but I also discovered a mentor whose dedication and efforts went beyond the call of duty. The time spent together was not just about education but the cultivation of a mentor-student relationship that evolved into a true friendship. I am profoundly grateful for the hard work, patience, and unwavering support he invested in my academic journey. This professor's impact extends far beyond the classroom, and I am fortunate to have not only gained an excellent educator but a true friend. Thus, I wholeheartedly award him 5 stars as the academic excellence he imparts is complemented by the genuine camaraderie he fosters. Thank you Professor Ali for your effort.
الدكتور ممتاز شرحه ، ويفهم ويبسط المعلومة
شرح مبسط وسهل ويسااعد كثييير في انه يفهم الطالب
Mohammed Ghazi
الاستاذ المهندس علي ما قصر معي شرح لي شرح بذمه وضمير وبشكل بسيط يسهل المعلومة ويفهم كويس. كمان المحاضرات يسجلها ويرسلها في حال انك كنت تبغى ترجع للشرح او تراجع
Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 16 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.
Background check passed: on 23/01/2022
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Lesson duration from 20-180 minutes
One lesson /60 mins
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