Rasha I
Speaks: Arabic , English
Certified teacher +10 Total years of experience
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Nationality Egyptian
Cambridge CELTA Certified English Teacher
subjects TOEFL , General English , Business English , American English + 5
Sub subjects English Grammar , English Writing , English Idioms , English Reading +7
Hours 244 Students 40
Matching score: Very good
21 USD/Hour
5 9 Reviews
About the tutor
Im a CELTA Certified English Teacher with more than years of experience. I have a bachelors degree in addition to a post-graduate Diploma in English teaching from the Faculty of Education. Throughout my entire career I taught various students of different ages backgrounds and nationalities. My approach is to provide an enriching interesting learning experience to the learner so they can develop high enthusiasm for the language.
Which students want to teach and train?
Genders Taught Both (Male/Female)
Teaching Levels Middle School,High School,College/University,Junior Level,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experience
Country Egypt
Years 15
Past Teaching Levels College/University,High School,Middle School,Elementary School,Adult/professionals,Junior Level
Tutor 's Availability
Tutor accepts instant booking in the following hours:
You might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .
14:00 - 18:00
04:00 - 14:00
04:00 - 08:00
14:00 - 19:59
04:00 - 19:59
16:00 - 19:59
16:00 - 19:59
Instructor Reviews
(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)
5 9 Reviews
كل الشكر والإحترام للأستاذه رشا ، مدرسة متمكنه وتجربتي معها كانت رائعه للوصول لهدفي في إختبار الآيليتس في فتره قصيره
Fahad Subeai
كل الشكر للإستاذة رشا ،،، متمكنة جدأ وتعرف كيف توصل وتبسط المعلومة ،،، للأمانة كانت أفضل من الكورس ال ٣ شهور اللي قضيتها في بريطانيا ،،، شكرا أستاذة رشا مرة ثانية ،،، فهد السبيعي ،،، الكويت
I have been taking classes with Ms. Rasha for 2 years, but not on a regular basis. I have to say that she is the best teacher I have ever had. She helped me become more fluent in English and also she has an awesome personality. God bless her.
الحر حامد
كل الشكر والتقدير والامتنان للاستاذه رشا على جهودها في تدريس ابني ماده اللغه الانجليزيه،،الاستاذه رشا ذات مهنيه عاليه ومتمكنه في الماده، الحمدلله استطاعت ان توصل المعلومات لابني بسلاسه واتقان ،، ابني سعيد جدا بالتعامل مع الاستاذه رشا وان شاء الله سيكون لنا معها تعامل آخر مستقبلا
mohamed Ibrahim Abdelmoneim
كل الشكر للمساعدة , هادئه متفهمه متمكنه بالتوفيق دايما
alia saleh
شكرا استاذة رشا على عطاءك وامانتك وتفانيك في إيصال المعلومة هذا غير الأسلوب الممتع والله تمنيت عرفتك قبل سنتين كان وفرت جهد ووقت ولكن معك بإذن الله مستمرة الين اصل لهدفي .عليا السعودية
Abdulrahman Essam Ragban
I had the pleasure to be coached by Miss Rasha for my IELTS . Miss Rasha has great teaching skills. she was able to prepare me for the test in a very short period ( three weeks ) where I got my target score of 6.0 as my overall all results. Thank you so much Miss Rasha
شكراً استاذه رشا على شرحك الي اكثر من رائع واسلوبك الجميل حقيقاً تعجز الكلمات عن التعبير عنك. دمتِ بخير ❤️❤️❤️
Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 21 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Get a full refund if you cancel within one hour of booking or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Plus, your first hour is covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Verification date : on 14/07/2020
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