
Roaa Z flag Lebanese

Speaks: Arabic , English

Certified teacher 2-4 Total years of experience

Location: Hasbaiyya, Lebanon

Nationality Lebanese

Math teacher with successful years of experience

subjects Algebra, MATLAB, Calculus, General math, Discrete math, Logic, Statistics, Probabilities, Mental arithmetic

Sub subjects Solving system of linear equations , Equations with inequalities , Graphing of functions and linear equations , Conic sections , Polynomial Equation , Sequences and series , Rational expressions , Polynomials and expressions with radicals , Linear equations , Discrete mathematics and probability Matrices and matrix decomposition , Vector Spaces , Trigonometry , Relations and Computations , Elementary algebra , Linear algebra , Geometric algebra , Advanced Algebra , Algebra of combinations , Comprehensive algebra , Algebra of numbers , Polynomials , Abstract Algebra , Commutative Algebra , Quadratic equations , Arithmetic progression , Basic Operations , Partial fractions , Algebraic Properties , Algebraic Number Theory , System of Equations , Representation Theory , Commutative Algebra , Algebraic Geometry , Homological Algebra , Universal Algebra , Exponential and Logarithmic Functions , Boolean Algebra , Matrices and Determinants , Probability and Statistics in Algebra , Rational Expressions and Equations , Systems of Equations , Factoring basics , Linear transformations Matrices , Radical equations , Exponential function , Algebraic expressions , Quadratic functions , logarithms , Programming basics in MATLAB , Matrices and vectors , Import and export data , Mathematical modeling , Solve differential equations , Create basic graphs (2D, 3D) , Differential calculus , Derivatives , calculus I , Integral calculus , calculus 2 , calculus 3 , Differentiation , Differential equations , Integration , Trigonometry , Arithmetics , Matrices , Numbers and measurements , Financial Mathematics , Number Theory , Engineering math , Complex analysis , Graphing and Coordinate Geometry , Topology , Combinatorics , Operations Research , Mathematical Physics , Applied Mathematics , Mathematical Analysis , Cartesian Geometry , Analysis , Operation research , Graph theory , Decision tree , Probability , Combinatorics , Set Theory , Recursion , Number Theory , Recurrence Relations , Generating function , Mathematical Logic , Boolean Algebra , Counting Theory , Group theory , Computational Complexity , Number system , Combinational logic , Sequential logic , ALU , Non-classical logic , Computing theory , Proof theory , Model theory , Conditional logic , Set theory , RTL language , Finite state machine (FSM) , Iterative probability , Implied probability , Regular probability , Classical Probability , Probability axioms , Subjective Probability , Conditional probability , Venn diagramm Cardinality , Sample space , Empirical Probability , Random variable , Binomial distribution , Skills in calculation , Numbers and operations on them , Speed ​​and accuracy , Mind games , Operations link , Reasonable estimates , Mental arithmetic strategies , Numerical memory , Numerical analysis , Basic mental arithmetic ,

Hours 149 Students 7

Matching score: good

20 USD/Hour

5 1 Reviews

About the tutor

Discovering and teaching mathematics is my passion! I have successful experiences in private teaching and training. I can help you in doing homework, studying for exams and can explain lessons Don't hesitate to join my classes

Which students want to teach and train?

Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)

Student's level he teach Elementary,Middle School,High School,College/University;

Teaching Experiences

Country of Experience Lebanon

Experience years 4

Student levels that had been taught College/University,High School,Middle School,Elementary

Tutor 's availability

Tutor accepts instant booking in the following hours:

You might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .


13:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 15:00

Instructor Reviews

(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)

5 1 Reviews

رائد محمد شحاده


المعلمة رؤى، شكرا جزيلا للشرح الواضح وأسلوب التدريس سهل الاستيعاب و قدراتك الرائعة لتغطية الدروس. دانة رائد


Teaching Method: Online lesson ,

Hourly rate: 20 USD Online lesson |

Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.

flagBackground check passed: on 18/01/2023

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