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soliman s flag Egyptian

Speaks: Arabic , English

Certified teacher 5-10 Total years of experience

Location: Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt

Nationality Egyptian

مدرس معتمد ومهندس ميكانيك بخبرة 11 عام

subjects Algebra, General math, Mechanical Eng, General Physics, High school math, Aviation Eng, Civil Eng, Mechatronics Eng

Sub subjects Equations with inequalities , Solving system of linear equations , Graphing of functions and linear equations , Conic sections , Polynomial Equation , Polynomials and expressions with radicals , Sequences and series , Trigonometry , Rational expressions , Linear equations Vector Spaces , Matrices and matrix decomposition , Relations and Computations , Elementary algebra , Linear algebra , Geometric algebra , Comprehensive algebra , Algebra of combinations , Algebra of numbers , Advanced Algebra , Commutative Algebra , Abstract Algebra , Polynomials , logarithms , Quadratic equations , Arithmetic progression , Trigonometry , Arithmetics , Matrices , Numbers and measurements , Engineering math , Number Theory , Financial Mathematics , Graphing and Coordinate Geometry , Topology , Combinatorics , Applied Mathematics , Mathematical Physics , Operations Research , Mathematical Analysis , Cartesian Geometry , Mechanical vibrations , Steam power plant , Stress analysis , Thermodynamics , Air conditioning , Mechanical drawing , Mechanical Vibrations , Internal Combustion Engines , Machine Design , Maintenance Engineering , Heat and Energy Transfer , Heat Transfer , Hydraulic system , Fluid Dynamics , Fluid mechanics , Engineering Drawing , Applied heat and mass transfer , Automotive Technology , Automotive Engineering , Mechanics ( static and dynamic) , Mechanics of Materials , Mechanics of Motion , Nuclear power plants , Power station , Refrigeration and air conditioning , Renewable energy , Solar energy , Thermal powerplant , Thermodynamics , Vibration Mechanics , Production Engineering , Statics and dynamic , Agricultural Machinery Mechanics , Gas dynamics , Material science , Mechatronics , Automatic Control , Energy station , Control Systems , Gas turbine system , Manufacture and assembly , Manufacturing and Production Tech , Computer Programming , Structural mechanics , Mechanics , Thermodynamics , Electromagnetism , Kinematics , Physics , Dynamics , Fluid Mechanics , Particle Physics , Solid State Physics , Experimental Physics , Optics , Quantum Mechanics , Relativity , Chemistry , Inorganic Chemistry , Nuclear Physics , Atomic Structure , Chemical Reactions , Periodic Table , Kinetics , Nuclear Chemistry , Biochemistry (related to chemistry in living organisms) , Thermodynamics , Statistical Mechanics , Atomic Physics , Stoichiometry , Airframe Design & Flight Dynamics , Aircraft engines , Fluid mechanics , Mechanical design , Mechanical vibrations , Thermodynamics , Thermo , Solid mechanics , Aerodynamics , Aerospace propulsion- , flight mechanics , Ansys , Gas turbines , Machine design , Mechanics of materials , Stress analysis , Structural mechanics , Strength of Materials , Fluid mechanics , Heat transfer , Hydraulics , Mechanics of materials , Structures , Steel design , Descriptive , Foundations and retaining structures , ACI codes for design Metallic and Wood construction , Structural analysis , Bim designer , Construction management , Construction materials , Earthquake studies , Etabs , EuroCode , Finite elements , General construction methods , Metallic structures , Numerical methods , Quality control , Rehabilitation of structures , Reinforced concrete , Revit , Roads and bridges design and constructions , Soil mechanics , Strength of materials , Surveying And Topography , Advanced physics , Circuit , Differential Equations , Fluid mechanics , Geothermal energy , Hydrluics , Machine Design , Mechanical design , Mechanics and Kinematics , Pneumatics , Power plants , Principles of renewable energy , Refrigeration , Solid mechanics , Thermodynamics , Turbomachines , Wind energy , Advanced semiconductor , Automatic control , Biomass energy , Electrical machines , Industrial Robotics , Introduction to Mechatronics , Nuclear Energy , Power electronics , Power systems , Robotics and Automation , Solar energy , Electronics , Electrical Circuits and Electronics , Digital signal processing , Digital Electronics , Control Systems , Hydropower , Pipe lines , Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems , Power Electronics ,

Hours 339 Students 21

Matching score: Very good

21 USD/Hour

5 6 Reviews

About the tutor

مهندس ميكانيكا من جامعة الإسكندرية دبلوم المحركات البحرية من جامعة الإسكندرية دبلومة في vibration analysis من جامعة كفر الشيخ حاصل على دبلومة اعداد معلم رياضيات من كلية العلوم جامعة الإسكندرية خبرة في مهنة تدريس الرياضيات لجميع المراحل والصفوف بأسلوب يجعلك تستمتع بالرياضيات مُهمتي هي البحث عن الطلبة التي تكره مادة الرياضيات لأجعلهم يعشقوها

Which students want to teach and train?

Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)

Student's level he teach High School,College/University,Adult/professionals;

Teaching Experiences

Country of Experience Egypt

Experience years 10

Student levels that had been taught College/University,High School,Middle School,Adult/professionals

Tutor 's availability

Contact the tutor to book your first lesson

This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, you might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .


14:00 - 02:00


14:00 - 02:00


14:00 - 02:00


14:00 - 00:00

Instructor Reviews

(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)

5 6 Reviews

المثنى خالد سالم الفضلي


ممتاز وشرحة كويس👍🏻

ريم محمد


تدريس الاستاذ حلو وايد و ممتع و يفهم عدل وايد و يشرح بذمه و ضمير

سعد الدوسري


ممتاز جدا ضغطت عن طريق الخطاء انه لم يحضر وحضر وشرح لي وزيادة جزاه الله خير ويفهم بشكل بسيط وممتاز

khalid ahmad alhajaji




يعطيه العافيه شرحه واااضح جدا !

عمير البنا


افضل مدرس🫡


Teaching Method: Online lesson ,

Hourly rate: 21 USD Online lesson |

Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.

flagBackground check passed: on 05/02/2024