soliman s
Speaks: Arabic , English
Certified teacher 5-10 Total years of experience
Location: Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Nationality Egyptian
مدرس معتمد ومهندس ميكانيك بخبرة 11 عام
subjects Algebra, General math, Mechanical Eng, General Physics, High school math, Aviation Eng, Civil Eng, Mechatronics Eng
Sub subjects Equations with inequalities , Solving system of linear equations , Graphing of functions and linear equations , Conic sections , Polynomial Equation , Polynomials and expressions with radicals , Sequences and series , Trigonometry , Rational expressions , Linear equations
Hours 339 Students 21
Matching score: Very good
21 USD/Hour
5 6 Reviews
About the tutor
مهندس ميكانيكا من جامعة الإسكندرية دبلوم المحركات البحرية من جامعة الإسكندرية دبلومة في vibration analysis من جامعة كفر الشيخ حاصل على دبلومة اعداد معلم رياضيات من كلية العلوم جامعة الإسكندرية خبرة في مهنة تدريس الرياضيات لجميع المراحل والصفوف بأسلوب يجعلك تستمتع بالرياضيات مُهمتي هي البحث عن الطلبة التي تكره مادة الرياضيات لأجعلهم يعشقوها
Which students want to teach and train?
Student's gender he teach Both (Male/Female)
Student's level he teach High School,College/University,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experiences
Country of Experience Egypt
Experience years 10
Student levels that had been taught College/University,High School,Middle School,Adult/professionals
Tutor 's availability
Contact the tutor to book your first lesson
This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, you might also suggest a different time by messaging the tutor .
14:00 - 02:00
14:00 - 02:00
14:00 - 02:00
14:00 - 00:00
Instructor Reviews
(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)
5 6 Reviews
المثنى خالد سالم الفضلي
ممتاز وشرحة كويس👍🏻
ريم محمد
تدريس الاستاذ حلو وايد و ممتع و يفهم عدل وايد و يشرح بذمه و ضمير
سعد الدوسري
ممتاز جدا ضغطت عن طريق الخطاء انه لم يحضر وحضر وشرح لي وزيادة جزاه الله خير ويفهم بشكل بسيط وممتاز
khalid ahmad alhajaji
يعطيه العافيه شرحه واااضح جدا !
عمير البنا
افضل مدرس🫡
Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 21 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Full refund if you cancel the lesson within one hour of booking creation or 24 hours before the lesson start time. Also, your first hours is protected by our “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” policy.
Background check passed: on 05/02/2024
Book more hours to get cheaper price
Single booking
Lesson duration from 20-180 minutes
One lesson /60 mins
Discount depends on package hours
Payment methods