Mohamed A
Speaks: Arabic , English
Certified teacher 5-10 Total years of experience
Location: Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Nationality Egyptian
M.Sc in Physics-More than Eight Years of Teaching
subjects General Physics , IG Math , IG Physics , IB math + 3
Sub subjects Electromagnetism , Physics , Mechanics , Kinematics +9
Hours 53 Students 9
Matching score: good
18 USD/Hour
5 4 Reviews
About the tutor
Note: I only teach male students. I have a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a focus on Theoretical Physics. Presently, I'm pursuing a Master's degree in the Physics Department at Cairo University's Faculty of Science. I love teaching physics, particularly at the undergraduate level. My academic journey has exposed me to a variety of topics in both fields, enabling me to instruct at secondary and university levels. With over eight years of teaching experience.
Which students want to teach and train?
Genders Taught Both (Male/Female)
Teaching Levels High School,College/University,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experience
Country Egypt
Years 8
Past Teaching Levels College/University,High School,Middle School,Adult/professionals
Tutor 's Availability
Contact the tutor to book your first lesson
This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, Message him to request other times
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
08:30 - 12:00
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
08:30 - 12:00
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
08:30 - 12:00
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
06:30 - 12:00
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
06:30 - 12:00
21:30 - 03:00
03:30 - 05:30
08:30 - 12:00
Instructor Reviews
(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)
5 4 Reviews
استاذ والله جميل جدا بالشرح و جدا فاهم و كويس الله يوفقه
عبدالله سعد الثمالي
استفدت كثير من شرح الدكتور محمد دكتور رائع مع شرح أروع 👍
استاذ ممتاز
محمد باوارث
ممتاز جدا جدا الفيزياء صارت ماده من فضله من الدكتور
Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 18 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Get a full refund if you cancel within one hour of booking or 6 hours before the lesson start time. Plus, your first hour is covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Verification date : on 15/02/2023
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20 to 60-minute lessons available
Solo Lesson /60 mins
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