Ramız A
Speaks: Arabic , English
Certified teacher +10 Total years of experience
Location: Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Nationality Palestinian
PhD In Industrial Engineering with vast experience
subjects Machine Learning and Data mining , Supply chain management , SPSS , Operations research + 4
Sub subjects MLand Statistical Learning , Knowledge Discovery from Data , Data Mining Techniques , Knowledge Extraction from Databases +42
Hours 878 Students 60
Matching score: good
35.91 USD/Hour
5 6 Reviews
About the tutor
I have a PhD in Industrial Engineering I have been working as a professor for more than ten years. I taught most courses of IE such as Operations Research and Simulation and main Engineering courses such as statistics and Engineering Economy. I also can help you lean Data Business Analysis I also am able to help students in topics such as stochastic systems and Supply chain management
Which students want to teach and train?
Genders Taught Both (Male/Female)
Teaching Levels College/University,Adult/professionals;
Teaching Experience
Country Saudi Arabia
Years 12
Past Teaching Levels College/University,Adult/professionals
Tutor 's Availability
Contact the tutor to book your first lesson
This tutor accepts booking in the following hours, Message him to request other times
02:30 - 04:30
08:00 - 10:00
08:00 - 10:00
08:00 - 10:00
08:00 - 10:00
08:00 - 10:00
00:30 - 04:30
Instructor Reviews
(Reviews can only be made by tutor`s students)
5 6 Reviews
Sultan Mohammed Alrefaei
قدم لي د.رامز استشارة في تحليل الأعمال بإستخدام الاكسل وكانت قيمة واستفدت منها. انصح الاخرين بدكتور رامز.
Abdullah H. Maghrabi
دكتور رامز من خيرة الناس وخلوق جدا ومتعاون ومشاء الله تبارك الرحمن مثقف ومتعلم ومحترف جدا سعيد اني اتعرفت عليه على الصعيد الشخصي والعلمي
Sarah Almousa
من احسن الاساتذه الي تعاملت معاهم
Abdullah Al
متمكن ومتعاون الله يوفقة
زينب صاحب شالوانب
شرح الدكتور ممتاز و مفهوم
نايف المرحبي
غني عن التعريف بصراحة افضل دكتور مر علي ويستاهل كل ريال يندفع له وطريقة تدريسه حديثه
Teaching Method: Online lesson ,
Hourly rate: 35.91 USD Online lesson |
Lesson cancellation policy: Get a full refund if you cancel within one hour of booking or 2 hours before the lesson start time. Plus, your first hour is covered by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Verification date : on 19/07/2020
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20 to 60-minute lessons available
Solo Lesson /60 mins
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